What Are The Different Levels Of Customer Engagement?

Levels Of Customer Engagement

A business owner can get many benefits from knowing the engagement levels. Proper knowledge about these levels helps you to establish a brand value which leads to higher revenue. 

Remember, customers are like the lucky charm that makes your business journey smooth and helps you to move forward successfully.

Want to know more about these levels? If yes, this blog is for you! In this blog, I will explain different levels and tips for each level so that you can apply the tips to your business. Let’s begin the discussion with what engagement levels are. 

What Are Customer Engagement Levels? 

Customer engagement levels are the relationship stages between a company and its customers. It is not just about buying stuff; or sleeping products. It is about building a real connection.

In other words, we can say the different phases of customers and business relationships that show how much they like business products and services are known as customer engagement levels.

However, how do these levels work? First, try being personal to improve these engagement levels. Know what customers like and make them feel special. Use different ways to chat with them, like social media or emails, and make it feel like a smooth, friendly chat.

Always, remember engaged customers are like friends for a business. They stick around, buy more, and tell everyone how awesome you are. They refer your products and services to their family and friends. 

So, what happens? Your business becomes this buzzing community where people don’t just shop. They hang out and bring their friends. It’s like turning a regular store into the coolest spot in town where everyone wants to be.

Remember, in the world of customer connections, just be yourself, show you care, and watch your business bloom into something amazing. It’s like turning customers into friends. 

5 Levels of Customer Engagement

Levels of customer engagement

Experts suggest that there are five customer engagement levels that every business owner should know. Knowing these levels helps a business drive more customers and make more sales.

Let’s explore these five levels of customer engagement here: 

Level 1: Familiarization Stage 


The familiarization stage is one of the first levels of customer engagement. What is supposed to be done here? In this stage, customers discover a business and what the business is about. Customers get to know about the business’s products and services.  

At this level, customers are introduced to a business for the first time. It is the beginning of the entire customer journey.

A business needs to impress its target audience or potential customers at this stage. Businesses struggle when they have to impress their customers as it seems challenging. 

But believe me! It is not challenging at all. With some proper steps, creating a long-lasting impression among the customers is possible.  

A study shows that 96% of customers trust word-of-mouth recommendations more than any other form of advertising.

Businesses must ensure that their website is user-friendly, communicates clearly, and exudes a friendly online presence to make a first impression. By focusing on these elements, businesses can effectively engage customers during the initial stages, setting a positive tone for their online interaction.

For example, a customer is looking for a good moisturizer. At first, they will search for it online to find a good shop. You have a shop where you sell the same moisturizer. Design your website’s home page in a way that shows you are the best moisturizer seller in the city. 

Remember to add your shop location, number, and operating hours so that the customer can find you easily. If they call you or text you, respond to them immediately to gain trust. 

Mention the pricing and other lucrative offers so that the customer gets to learn about your business and makes a decision to visit you. If they visit you, talk to them and offer the best service.

 Tips for the Familiarization Stage:

  • Provide clear information about your business.
  • Communicate with your customers immediately when they seek your help.
  • Not only offer online customer service but also offer offline customer service.

Level 2: Exploration Stage 


In the exploration stage, customers want to know more about the products or services offered by the business. Detailed information, such as product specifications, pricing, and potential benefits, becomes important.  

The customer wants to explore the product and service before buying. When they become impressed with the product details or service, they make up their minds for the next step, which is purchasing. This exploration level is known as the most engaging level for customers. 

Interactive elements like demos, trials, or virtual tours can enhance the exploration experience. Responsiveness is key during this stage, as businesses assist customers in understanding their offerings better. It guides them through the decision-making process.

A study shows that 60% of consumers expect a personalized experience from brands. So, when customers visit you, grab their attention and tell them exactly what they want to know about your products and services. Keep your customers informed and engaged with your polite behavior and best service. 

For example, you run a pizza shop, and a customer comes to you to see the menu and ambiance. First, welcome them warmly, and then show them the menu. Tell them every detail about your pizzas. Show them pictures to grab their attention.

Ask them what their preference is. Would they like the vegetarian option or the non-vegetarian option? Would they like more cheese or ketchup? 

When a customer sees that the business owner has taken them seriously, they feel interested in making a purchase. If they want to purchase anything else or want to go to another place, with proper care and response, they will think to try your pizza. 

 Tips for the Exploration Stage:

  • Offer images and demos to showcase your product and service.
  • Provide every single detail regarding the business’s products and services.
  • Talk to the customers and offer them what they exactly expect from you. 

Level 3: Buyer Stage


In my list of levels of customer engagement, the third stage is the buyer stage. In this stage, a customer makes the most important decision. They make up their minds and make a purchase. 

Businesses should make the buying process easy to ensure user-friendliness. Giving personalized suggestions based on what customers like and being clear about the prices help customers decide to make a purchase.  Secure payment options and a hassle-free checkout process add to a positive buyer experience. Actively seeking feedback during this stage is crucial for understanding and addressing concerns promptly.

Treating customers well and meeting their needs can lead them to share your products and services with family and friends, even convincing others to make a purchase. For example, a clothing business that operates from a shop should keep the card payment system along with cash payments. Many customers don’t keep cash with them. 

So, when they make up their minds to purchase a dress, as a business owner, you should be prepared with a card reader. In this way, customers will buy and visit your shop again. Try to offer them automated customer support. 

Tips for the Buyer Stage:

  • Simplify the buying process.
  • Provide different payment processes.
  • Offer recommendations if customers ask for them.

Level:4 Feedback Stage 


After making a purchase, customers enter the fourth level of customer engagement. In this stage, customers provide businesses with an opportunity to collect valuable insights for improvement. They share their thoughts regarding the services and products. 

 It’s important to encourage customers to share feedback through surveys, reviews, or direct communication. Acknowledging positive feedback improves customer satisfaction. Also, addressing negative feedback shows a commitment to improvement.

Don’t forget, at this stage, you can enhance your products or services. Additionally, you have the opportunity to strengthen relationships with customers by valuing their opinions.

In a survey, it has been found that 78% of consumers like to stick with a brand that listens to their feedback and makes efforts to improve based on it. (Source: PwC) So, work on their feedback and make them believe that you value their opinions. 

For example, you run a cafe where you sell some tasty pastries. Ask your customers to leave their valuable feedback on your pastries.

Are the pastries good? Did they like the cake? Any suggestions from their end? Ask relatable questions and note down their feedback. 

If they suggest any improvement or provide any negative feedback, like that the pricing is high or the pastries are not soft, then promise them that your team will work on them. 

Next time, if they visit, they will get better pastries and service. 

Tips for the Feedback Stage:

  • Encourage customers to provide feedback.
  • Address the negative feedback and work on it.
  • Value the customer’s recommendations.

Level 5: Loyalty Stage 


In my list, the fifth level of customer engagement is the loyalty stage. In this stage, businesses aim to build good relationships with their customers. 

Happy customers, who’ve had positive experiences in earlier stages, are more likely to become loyal. Remember, personalized communication, special offers, and loyalty programs are crucial for keeping and rewarding customers. Try to explore customer service phrases to offer the best service.

Connect with customers through newsletters, social media, or events to strengthen the bond. Always provide top-notch products and outstanding customer service to encourage loyalty.

A recent study shows that 80% of future profits come from 20% of existing customers. 

For example, you own a beauty salon, and you offer the best service. Customers come to your salon to get services. They get the best treatment ever, and whenever they suggest something, you take it into account and work on it.

 Your salon has gained their trust. When they leave your salon, give them a ‘Thank You, Customer,’ card for every client. In this way, they become loyal customers, and they keep visiting your salon again and again.

Tips for the Loyalty Stage:

  • Offer exclusive deals.
  • Ensure consistent delivery of high-quality products.
  • Provide exceptional service.

Which Tools and Technology Can Make Customer Experiences Better?

Use customer service tools to improve the customer experience and engagement. Start with customer service tools like REVE Chat, Zendesk, SalesForce Service Cloud, and Hubspot.

Let’s learn more about these 3 tools below: 

1. REVE Chat 

REVE Chat is an all-in-one customer engagement platform that empowers omnichannel customer service with multiple SAAS solutions like Livechat, Chatbot, SDKs, ticketing systems, and many more. You can enhance your customer experience 10X by adding REVE Chat to your customer services.

2. Zendesk

Zendesk is not just one tool, it is a whole platform that makes customer experiences better. It is a step of tools that has a ticketing system, live chat, and AI-powered chatbots. With Zendesk, businesses can make their services even better based on what customers think.

3. Salesforce Service Cloud

Salesforce Service Cloud is like having a magical book that keeps all the secrets about customers. This tool helps businesses keep track of every chat, personalize messages, and sell stuff. With Salesforce Service Cloud, businesses can create better experiences because they know exactly what makes customers happy.

4. HubSpot

HubSpot is your all-in-one friend for marketing, sales, and customer service. It is like a toolkit that helps businesses do everything smoothly. HubSpot has tools like calculators. It sets up cool Q&A sessions. This tool makes sure that from catching attention to keeping long-term customers.

FAQs on Levels Of Customer Engagement


Q. How can we increase engagement from customers?

Answer: You can do a few things that improve the whole customer experience to make customers more engaged. Make sure customers have a seamless experience everywhere they connect with your business. 

Another smart move is using chatbots on the website. These are helpful assistants who can answer questions and guide customers through buying things. Imagine an online store using chatbots to assist customers 24/7

Then there’s the loyalty program trick. Think of it as a little treat for being a good customer.

Q. How do we set goals and measure success in keeping customers engaged?

Answer: First, we set goals to keep customers engaged. The goals involve customized success criteria for your brand and industry. Common benchmarks include customer satisfaction scores, response times, resolution times, and retention rates. 

To measure success in customer engagement, follow your goals. Keep an eye on key metrics such as response and resolution times, and positive reviews. 

Ensure to regularly adjust your goals to stay motivated and adapt to changes. Adjust your goals accordingly to create a responsive and customer-focused approach that keeps them actively involved with your brand.

Q. How do we measure customer engagement, and what’s the go-to metric for checking customer loyalty? 

Answer: People mostly use the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure customer engagement. This metric looks at how much customers trust our products and services and if they’d recommend them. It’s a key indicator of customer loyalty. 

Additionally, tracking user engagement metrics, such as page views and session duration. It provides insights into how customers interact with digital content or apps. These metrics collectively offer a comprehensive view of customer involvement and satisfaction.

Wrapping Up  

Finally, understanding the different levels of customer engagement is important for business success. Remember, customers are the pillar of a business, and they are always right. 

Consider it as a journey, starting with the Familiarization Stage, where customers discover your business, and it’s your chance to make a lasting impression. 

Move on to the exploration stage, where detailed product information and engaging interactions matter. Then comes the buyer stage, the make-or-break moment where a seamless buying process is key.

After the purchase, feedback becomes the focus, with insights serving as a roadmap for improvement. At the loyalty stage, delighted customers become the foundation of your business. 

From the initial introduction to turning customers into loyal advocates, each stage contributes to your business’s success. Whether you’re greeting new customers or encouraging long-term loyalty, always concentrate on creating positive experiences.

Take care of your customers by understanding how they engage on different levels and reach the peak of success.

Tabassum Kabir is a customer success enthusiast and CX blogger. Her writing not only inform but also empower professionals to excel in the dynamic landscape of customer success.

Tabassum Kabir
Author’s Bio

Tabassum Kabir is a customer success enthusiast and CX blogger. Her writing not only inform but also empower professionals to excel in the dynamic landscape of customer success.

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